Denpasar Tourism Booklet

Denpasar, the capital city of Bali, is economically based on tourism as a firm sector. It offers multiplier effect and brings a significant contribution to Balinese society in general and Denpasar City in particular. It’s regarded as a spirit to support other sectors involving the advantages of development. This booklet provides tourism statistics, facilities, objects, and attractions in Denpasar City.

It’s created to improve the quality of service in tourism and to establish tourism investments in Denpasar City. We hope this booklet will enhance and provide your information about tourism in Denpasar City.

The Coastal Issue

As our planet Earth gracefully curves into a sphere, it grants every point on its surface the potential to be a center of the world. Each spot becomes a genesis, a home to all that exists. Denpasar, undoubtedly, stands as one such pivotal point, particularly within the enchanting realm of Bali Province. Moreover, when viewed from its strategic position nestled right at the heart of Bali, Denpasar emphatically asserts itself as a nucleus for all things.

Similar to the body, Denpasar is the heart of Bali. Like other cities, Denpasar is constantly changing. The elements that make up a city such as humans, living space, or supporting technology are elements that are always dynamic and developing. There is always a human population, the development of cultural currents that increase the collection of memories and also affect the human living space, and of course the advancement of supporting technology.

Exploring Denpasar
From East to North

This holds significant value for history, science, education, religion, and culture.

Intangible cultural heritage, also known as non-material cultural heritage, is a form of cultural legacy that cannot be touched or held (abstract), and it can fade and disappear with the passage of time. Intangible cultural heritage can also be defined as the sum of deeds and thoughts that manifest in identity, ideology, mythology, concrete expressions in the form of sound, movement, and ideas embedded in objects, behavioral systems, belief systems, and customs, such as language, music, dance, ceremonies, rituals, and various other structured behaviors.

In the previous edition, we successfully presented cultural heritage scattered along the coastal areas of Denpasar City, including Serangan and Sanur. In this second edition, we aim to provide information about heritage in the inland areas before reaching the heart of Denpasar City, encompassing Kesiman, Penatih, Taman Pohmanis, Peguyangan, Tonja, and Sumerta.

Denpasar Tourism Booklet

Denpasar, the capital city of Bali, is economically based on tourism as a firm sector. It offers multiplier effect and brings a significant contribution to Balinese society in general and Denpasar City in particular. It’s regarded as a spirit to support other sectors involving the advantages of development. This booklet provides tourism statistics, facilities, objects, and attractions in Denpasar City.

It’s created to improve the quality of service in tourism and to establish tourism investments in Denpasar City. We hope this booklet will enhance and provide your information about tourism in Denpasar City.

Denpasar City was once the capital of the southern Bali kingdom of Badung before it was seized by the Dutch during their military campaign in 1906. However, the city continued to serve as the administrative hub of the Badung Regency and eventually became the administrative center of Bali in 1958. This transition proved pivotal for the region as it paved the way for unprecedented growth across physical, economic, social, and cultural sectors.

Presently, Denpasar City serves as a vital administrative, trading, education, industrial, and tourist center. The city is divided into four districts, namely West Denpasar District, East Denpasar District, South Denpasar District, and North Denpasar District.

Tourism Map

Denpasar City spans an area of 127.78 km², which accounts for 2.18% of Bali and sits at an elevation ranging from 0-75 meters above sea level. The city’s land is utilized for various purposes, with 2.768 hectares dedicated to rice fields, 10.001 hectares for dry land, and the remaining 9 hectares for other uses.

Denpasar is situated south of the equator, and as such, experiences a tropical wet and dry climate characterized by hot and humid weather with minimal temperature fluctuations throughout the year. In contrast to other cities with similar climates worldwide, Denpasar has very little seasonal temperature change, and temperatures usually hover around 28°C on average. The city’s climate is divided into two distinct seasons: wet and dry. The wet season typically lasts from November to April, while the dry season spans from May to October. Although temperatures are not extreme, the combination of intense heat, high humidity, and frequent rainfall during the wet season can be quite uncomfortable.

Denpasar Co-Brand Guidelines

The needs and aspirations of the people of Denpasar City are constantly changing as a consequence of evolving environmental conditions and shifting societal mindsets due to cultural heterogeneity, bolstered by technological advancements. This dynamic state of affairs significantly influences the transformation of Denpasar's identity, as it adapts to the ever-evolving cultural landscape of its inhabitants.

Denpasar, as a city, undoubtedly holds profound significance in the tapestry of life. There are numerous aspects that can be elaborated upon to underscore the importance of Denpasar for Bali, Indonesia, and even the international stage. The presence of Ngurah Rai International Airport serves as one of the noteworthy markers. Although geographically situated in Tuban District, Badung Regency, international flights invariably refer to Denpasar as the gateway to Bali.

Pedoman Desa Wisata Serangan Terintegrasi (DEWI SITA)

Desa Serangan memiliki kekayaan alam, budaya, dan adat istiadat yang memiliki peluang besar untuk menjadi Desa Wisata unggulan di Kota Denpasar. Selain itu Desa Serangan sudah ditetapkan pemerintah sebagai Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) Kura-Kura Bali oleh pemerintah. Namun, tanpa pengelolaan yang baik dan prinsip pariwisata yang berkelanjutan, potensi ini bisa hilang, atau bahkan merusak lingkungan dan budaya setempat. Oleh karena itu, pedoman ini disusun dengan tujuan agar pengembangan Desa Wisata di Desa Serangan dapat berjalan seimbang, menjaga kelestarian alam, melestarikan budaya lokal, dan pada saat yang sama memberikan manfaat ekonomi bagi masyarakat.