Keramat Agung Pemecutan

In Denpasar City there is a tomb of a Muslim princess named Raden Ayu Siti Khotijah. Her name is certainly very familiar among Muslims, even though the spelling and pronunciation are different, that the name is the same as the name of the wife of the Prophet Muhammad, Siti Khadijah. From the books sold around the tomb, Raden Ayu Siti Khotijah, whose real name is Gusti Ayu Made Rai or also called Raden Ayu Pemecutan, is a daughter of Raja Pemecutan. But it is not clear from which King of Slaughter.

The early story of Raden Ayu Pemecutan, is like the legend of palace princesses throughout the archipelago. The princess is famous for being beautiful and loved until she becomes a royal flower. Not a few royal officials in Bali who want to propose to the princess. But disaster came, the princess suffered from jaundice. The King of Pemecutan tried to heal his favorite child, but failed to heal the princess. Until Raja Pemecutan held a competition that could cure the princess's illness, if the woman would be appointed as the king's child and if the boy would be married to Raden Ayu Pemecutan.

Kabar tentang sayembara ini terdengar oleh seorang ulama di Yogyakarta dan mempunyai seorang anak didik yang jadi raja di Madura yaitu Pangeran Cakraningrat IV. Ulama yang dalam buku Sejarah keramat Raden Ayu Pemecutan disebut Syech ini memanggil Pangeran Cakraningrat IV ke Yogyakarta untuk mengikuti sayembara tersebut. Raja Madura ini berangkat ke Bali, hasilnya dapat ditebak Raden Ayu Pemecutan dapat disembuhkan oleh Pangeran Cakraningrat IV.

Setelah sang putri sembuh, lalu Raden Ayu Pemecutan dan Pangeran Cakraningrat IV dikawinkan. Tentunya dalam perkawinan muslim, keduanya harus beragama Islam, Raden Ayu Pemecutan pun jadi mualaf dan bergelar Raden Ayu Siti Khotijah. Sang putri lalu di boyong ke Madura oleh Pangeran Cakraningrat IV.

Suatu ketika Raden Ayu  pulang ke Bali beserta 40 orang pengiring dan pengawal. Pangeran Cakraningrat IV memberikan bekal berupa guci, keris dan sebuah pusaka berbentuk tusuk konde yang diselipkan di rambut sang putri. Sesampainya di kerajaan Pemecutan, Siti Khotijah disambut dengan riang gembira. Namun, kala itu tidak ada yang mengetahui bahwa sang putri telah memeluk agama Islam. Suatu hari ketika ada suatu upacara Meligia atau Nyekah yaitu upacara Atma Wedana yang dilanjutkan dengan Ngelinggihan (Menyetanakan) Betara Hyang di Pemerajan (tempat suci keluarga) Puri Pemecutan, Raden Ayu Pemecutan berkunjung ke Puri tempat kelahirannya. Pada suatu hari saat sandikala (menjelang petang) di Puri, Raden Ayu Pemecutan alias Raden Ayu Siti Khotijah menjalankan persembahyangan (ibadah sholat maghrib) di Merajan Puri dengan menggunakan Mukena (Kerudung). Ketika itu salah seorang Patih di Puri melihat hal tersebut. Para patih dan pengawal kerajaan tidak menyadari bahwa Puri telah memeluk islam dan sedang melakukan ibadah sholat. Menurut kepercayaan di Bali, hal tersebut dianggap aneh dan dikatakan sebagai penganut aliran ilmu hitam.

As a result of the palace guard's ignorance, the 'oddities' that were witnessed in the palace courtyard made the royal bodyguards and governors furious and reported this to the King. Hearing Ki Patih's report, the King became angry. Ki Patih was ordered later to kill Raden Ayu Siti Khotijah. Raden Ayu Siti Khotijah was taken to the cemetery in an area of 9 hectares. Arriving in front of the Kepuh Kembar Temple, Raden Ayu said to the patih and his entourage "I already had a premonition about this. Because this is the king's order, then carry it out. And you need to know that at that time I was praying or praying according to Islamic belief, there was no malicious intent let alone leaking." So said Siti Khotijah.

Raden Ayu advised the patih "don't kill me with a sharp weapon, because a sharp weapon won't kill me. Kill me by using a hairpin tied with betel leaves and wrapped with threads of three colors, red, white and black (Tri Datu), stab it into my chest. When I die, smoke will come out of my body. If the smoke smells bad, then plant me. But if it emits a good smell, then give me a holy place called kramat ".

 After the death of Raden Ayu, it was true that smoke was coming out of his body and it turned out that the smell that came out was very fragrant. The incident shocked the patih and guards. The feelings of the patih and his entourage became erratic, some were crying. The king became very sorry for the young decision. Raden Ayu's body was buried in that place and a sacred place called kramat was made, according to his request before he was killed. To care for the Kramat graves, Gede Sedahan Gelogor was appointed, who at that time was the head of palace affairs at Pemecutan Palace. Pangeran 

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