Exploring History and Traditions at Pura Petilan Pengerobongan: From Majestic Penjor to Ngurek Dance

Have you ever been curious when seeing viral videos of large and beautiful penjor (decorative bamboo poles) displayed together? If you’re wondering where this location is, we inform you that it is in Kesiman, specifically at Pura Petilan Pengerobongan. This temple is located in Kesiman village, East Denpasar. The installation of these beautiful, large penjors is just one of the activities at this temple.

Pura Petilan, situated on the northern side of Jalan WR. Supratman, Denpasar, has historical significance and a unique tradition known as Ngerebong, celebrated every Redite Pon Medangsia. In addition to being famous for its large penjors, one of the interesting cultural aspects of this temple is the Tari Ngurek or Ngunying, which is a dance performed in a half-trance state using a kris (traditional dagger) at certain times.

Pura Petilan, also known as Pura Pangrebongan, is one of the temples in Denpasar closely related to the history of Puri Kesiman. The son of the Badung king, who later became the king of Kesiman with the title Cokorda Kesiman or Batara Inggas, established a new palace to the west of Puri Kedaton or Puri Kesiman Baru. To strengthen the support from the people of Kesiman, the worship sites in the area were also improved.

To the east of Pura Petilan, worship places for the Pasek community, Warga Gaduh, and Warga Dangka were built. Similarly, worship sites connected to Pura Petilan were restored by the king. These included Pura Kedaton, Pura Urasana, Pura Kesiman, and Pura Tojan. The ceremonies at Pura Petilan continued, with the king participating in worship alongside the people. The statue of the additional king was also brought and installed at Gedung Agung along with the statue of Dalem Kesiman.

At Pura Petilan Kesiman, there is a gedong agung (main shrine) located in the center, with a bedawang nala base to place the statues. Next to the gedong agung, there is another gedong to accommodate the manca pengerob temple and all the pecanangan or pratima from all the temples in the Kesiman area during the Pengerebongan ceremony at Pura Petilan.

Pura Petilan is very interesting as it unites the people, in this case, the residents of Kesiman with various communities or citizens from different professions. They are united by the strength of their religious beliefs, as the temple not only serves as a medium for worshiping God and the sacred spirits of ancestors but also reaches out to social and cultural aspects.

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