This temple is never empty of Pamedek. They are average fishermen and traders. Yes, the puru is called Pura Luhur Candi Narmada Tanah Kilap. This temple has a long history. Starting from a pelinggih on a rock after the Bendega Pan Satang mesesangi (vows) after getting an abundance of fish.
Pura Luhur Narmada Tanah Kilap Temple is located on the border of Badung Regency and Denpasar City. Precisely in Muara Tukad Badung on Jalan Bypass I Gusti Ngurah Rai Denpasar. It is believed that the person with the status of Ida Ratu Bhatari Nihang Sakti is the Goddess of Prosperity.
From the narrative of the Stakeholder of the Narmada Temple Luhur Temple, IB Made Sudana, before it stood as majestic as it is today, the Luhur Tanah Kilap temple already existed, but it was still a simple temple. "The history of this temple is written in ejection found at Griya Gede Mount Beau Muncan- Karangasem," he explained.
As for the history of this temple, as told by Sudana, during the reign of the Bandana Raja kingdom, on the southern coast of the island of Bali there lived a Bendega (fisherman) named Pan Santeng, who lived daily from his activities as a fisherman at the mouth of a river facing the sea. South Bali. One day, while at sea, it turned out that Pan Santeng had no results at all, and this incident went on for three consecutive days.
Finally on the third day, finally Pan Santeng said his masesangi (vow) promise, if he got fish, he would give pekelem and his prayer was answered.
"So Pan Santeng built a pelinggih on a rock and every day diligently the Bendega delivered devotions at the pelinggih, as he caught more and more catches," continued Sudana.
Until one day, Pan Santeng received word that the shrine was the residence of Ida Brahma Putri from Patni Keniten named Ida Ayu Ngurah Saraswati Swabhawa.
Such is the essence of the history of Pura Luhur Candi Narmada and that temple for centuries remained in the form of a simple stone shrine on a rock, until finally it was continued by Sudana in 1958 when a mother from Kuta received a gift to build a grand studio in the Pelinggih Ratu Niang Sakti area.
Finally, the Agung Studio was built, and slowly the pelinggih was visited by more and more people from all over Denpasar City and from outside Denpasar. "Especially by traders and fishermen, this temple is a place to ask for grace," he continued.
Along with the times, slowly, the construction of the Luhur Tanah Kilap temple is growing with several buildings and other buildings starting from Bale Kulkul, Pelinggih Ratu Gede Bendega, Gelung Kuri and Pelatasan, Pelinggih Padmasana, Pelinggih Meru and Negara Segara, Pelinggih Ada Rambut Sedana, Pelinggih Penglurah, Pelinggih Bhatara Wisnu, Pelinggih Ratu Bagus, Pelinggih Jineng, Pelinggih Bhatari Niang Sakti, Gedong Simpen and Telaga Waja and Bale Peselang.
Sudana said the pelinggih was in the main Mandala Pura Luhur Tanah Kilap. Meanwhile, in the Palembang area, there are two other shrines, namely the Bhatara Dalem Ped Junction Temple which is located to the east and Taman Temple and Tapa Gni which are located to the west. The existing shrines and pretense are one unit in Pura Luhur Candi Narmada Tanah Kilap.