The fingerprint painting museum in Denpasar is quite different from other museums in Bali. The museum is open from Monday to Saturday and closed on Sundays. The operating hours are from 08:00 to 16:00. On average, visitors spend approximately 2 hours in the painting gallery.
The museum's location is at Jalan Hayam Wuruk No. 175, Tanjung Bungkak, Denpasar, Bali. If you're coming from Ngurah Rai Airport, it will take around 40 minutes to reach the museum. The distance is only 15 km from Ngurah Rai Airport, but due to traffic congestion in Denpasar, travel time may be longer.
When we think of a museum, we usually imagine a place that houses collections of ancient artifacts or prehistoric relics, such as stones, sculptures, paintings, or antiques. However, the fingerprint painting museum in Denpasar is quite different from that. It offers a unique experience.
Lain halnya dengan museum sidik jari Denpasar dan sangat berbeda dengan museum yang lain di Bali. Museum lukisan buka dari hari Senin – Sabtu, hari Minggu tutup. Jam buka museum lukisan sidik jari dari jam, 08:00 – 16:00. Rata-rata waktu yang dihabiskan pengunjung saat berada di gallery lukisan, kurang lebih 2 jam.
The museum's location is at Jalan Hayam Wuruk No. 175, Tanjung Bungkak, Denpasar, Bali. If you're coming from Ngurah Rai Airport, it will take around 40 minutes to reach the museum. The distance is only 15 km from Ngurah Rai Airport, but due to traffic congestion in Denpasar, travel time may be longer.
The museum was established in 1993 and officially inaugurated in July 1995, two years later. The idea and ownership of the fingerprint painting museum belong to Mr. Gede Ngurah Rai Pemecutan. The name of the museum, "Museum Sidik Jari" (Fingerprint Museum), holds its own philosophy related to the painting technique used. The method involves the artist applying various colors of paint using their fingertips, according to their imagination. Since the paintings are done using fingers instead of brushes, they leave behind fingerprint marks. Hence, the technique is called "fingerprint painting."
The history of using fingers for painting began with a failed attempt to complete a Baris dance painting. Mr. Gede Ngurah decided to fix the painting not with a brush but by rubbing his hands with paint and then applying the colors onto the Baris dance painting using his fingers. After the Baris dance painting was successfully repaired, it turned out to be remarkably beautiful with the fingerprint strokes from the artist. Those familiar with the art of painting can appreciate its beauty. Setelah lukisan tari Baris selesai diperbaiki, ternyata lukisan tari Baris tampak sangat indah dengan goresan sidik jari dari pelukisnya. Tentunya yang mengetahui seni lukis akan mengetahui letak keindahannya.