Pura Petilan Pengerebongan

Pura Petilan, also known as Pura Pengrebongan, is one of the temples in Denpasar that has a close relationship with the history of the palace in Kesiman.

The temple, located on the north side of WR. Supratman Street, Denpasar, has a unique historical and traditional value, namely Ngerebong every Redite Pon Medangsia.

The son of the Badung King, who later became the King of Kesiman with the title Cokorda Kesiman or Batara Inggas, established a new palace west of Puri Kedaton or Puri Kesiman Baru. To strengthen the support of the people in Kesiman, the places of worship in the Kesiman area were also improved.

In the eastern part of Pura Petilan, places of worship for the Pasek community, Gaduh community, and Dangka community were built. Similarly, the places of worship that were related to Pura Petilan were renovated by the king. These temples include Pura Kedaton, Pura Urasana, Pura Kesiman, and Pura Tojan. Likewise, during the ceremony at Pura Petilan, the king and the people worshipped together. The Pengerebongan ceremony of adding the king's statue was also carried out and placed in the Gedung Agung together with the Dalem Kesiman statue.

At Pura Petilan Kesiman, there is a gedong agung (main shrine) located in the center, with a bedawang nala base to place the statues. Next to the gedong agung, there is another gedong to accommodate the manca pengerob temple and all the pecanangan or pratima from all the temples in the Kesiman area during the Pengerebongan ceremony at Pura Petilan.

Pura Petilan is very interesting as a unifier of the people, in this case, the residents of Kesiman with various (soroh) or residents with various professions. They are united on the basis of religious strength such as the existence of a temple that not only functions as a medium of worship to God and the holy ancestral spirits but also reaches out to social and cultural aspects.

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